
Functional Apparel is on the Rise

Functional apparel brands are experiencing a surge in popularity for several reasons. Firstly, there's a growing emphasis on health and wellness among consumers. People are increasingly looking for clothing that supports an active lifestyle, whether it's for sports, outdoor activities, or everyday comfort.

Moreover, advancements in fabric technology have allowed these brands to create clothing that's not only comfortable but also performs exceptionally well. Fabrics with moisture-wicking properties, temperature regulation, UV protection, anti-odor features, and durability are becoming increasingly sought after. 

The rise of athleisure as a fashion trend has also contributed to the popularity of functional apparel. People want clothing that seamlessly transitions from the gym to daily life, combining style with practicality.

Social media and influencer culture have played a significant role in promoting these brands. Endorsements from fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and celebrities often highlight the functionality and style of these clothes, influencing consumer preferences.

Lastly, the pandemic has accelerated the demand for comfortable yet versatile clothing, as more people are working remotely and seeking multifunctional apparel that suits both professional video calls and workouts at home.

What does this mean for designers wanting to break into this market?

 Here are some tips:

Breaking into functional apparel brands requires a combination of creativity, understanding consumer demands, technological awareness, and a strong business sense. It's a competitive field, but with the right approach and dedication, there are plenty of opportunities to make a mark. 

When functional apparel brands hire designers, they typically look for a blend of skills, experiences, and qualities that align with the brand's ethos and needs. Here are several key aspects they often consider:

  • Design Expertise: Strong design skills are fundamental. This includes a solid understanding of garment construction, pattern-making, sketching, and the ability to translate concepts into functional, appealing designs.

  • Technical Proficiency: Knowledge of textiles, fabrics, and materials is crucial. Designers should understand the properties of different fabrics and their suitability for various functionalities like moisture-wicking, breathability, durability, and stretch.

  • Innovation and Creativity: Brands seek designers who can think outside the box and bring innovative ideas to the table. Creativity in merging functionality with aesthetics is highly valued.

  • Portfolio and Previous Work: A robust portfolio showcasing relevant work in functional apparel design or related areas is essential. Projects highlighting a designer's ability to create practical yet stylish garments are often favored.

  • Understanding of Market Trends: Awareness of current fashion trends, consumer preferences, and market demands is crucial. Designers should be able to anticipate and adapt to changing trends in the functional apparel industry.

  • Collaborative Skills: The ability to work in a team is important, especially in a design process that involves collaboration with fabric technologists, product developers, and marketing teams.

  • Problem-solving Abilities: Designers should demonstrate the capacity to solve design challenges related to functionality, comfort, and style. Being able to address practical issues without compromising on aesthetics is highly valued.

  • Adaptability and Flexibility: The apparel industry is dynamic. Designers who can adapt to new technologies, trends, and consumer demands are sought after.

  • Passion for Functionality and Performance: A genuine interest in creating garments that enhance performance, offer comfort, and cater to specific needs of the wearer is often appreciated by functional apparel brands.

  • Sustainability Awareness: Given the increasing emphasis on sustainability, knowledge of eco-friendly materials, and a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices in design and production are becoming more critical for brands.

Ultimately, a combination of technical skills, creativity, adaptability, and a deep understanding of the functional apparel market are highly valued when brands seek to hire designers for their teams. We are lucky enough to work with some of these great brands, including Vuori, 686, Rhone, Triple Aught Design, TravisMathew, Howler Brothers, and more.

TikTok Takeover: Nailing the Job Hunt in the Age of Social Media

Over the past several years, we have witnessed a huge disruptor in the traditional recruiting industry. In addition to traditional style recruiting, we’ve seen a surge of recruiting opportunity on TikTok. The platform, once known for dance moves and viral challenges, is making waves in the hiring landscape. It is interesting to consider how TikTok has and will continue to reshape traditional recruiting and hiring processes.

TikTok: Beyond Dance Moves

Previously synonymous with dance-offs and lip-syncing, TikTok has evolved into a hotspot for job seekers and recruiters to connect. The platform's algorithm goes beyond viral videos, actively linking talented individuals with companies looking to hire.

Visuals Speak Louder Than Words

Especially in fashion, home, and beauty, where visuals are crucial, TikTok serves as a virtual runway. Job seekers now have the opportunity to visually showcase their skills, emphasizing a show-don't-tell approach. Creativity and innovation take center stage.

Building a Brand and Staying Engaged

Beyond job hunting, TikTok is a platform for brand building. Companies and agencies share narratives that go beyond standard job descriptions. Success stories, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and industry insights contribute to creating a sense of community.

TikTok, Talent, and You

Whether you're a job seeker showcasing your skills or a brand seeking talent, you may want to consider using TikTok as a resource for recruiting. The job hunt becomes more dynamic and streamlined.

At EB, we are always staying on top of the latest hiring trends. We have access to many tools and resources that we utilize to find our clients the most experienced brand-fit talent. Should you need an extra hand in hiring, we’d love to partner with you.


  • TikTok for Business

  • SHRM – "Social Media Recruiting Tips for HR Professionals"

  • Fashion Workie – "How Social Media is Changing the Face of Fashion Recruitment"

  • Forbes – "The Power of Personal Branding on TikTok"

  • LinkedIn Talent Blog – "The 4 Essentials of Social Recruiting"

2024 Trends Forecast: Anticipating Hiring Needs in Fashion, Home, and Beauty Industries

In the worlds of the fashion, home, and beauty industries, staying ahead isn't just about keeping up with trends—it's about predicting needs, understanding nuances, and proactively hiring the right talent. As we prepare to step into 2024, we’ve been taking a closer look at what the hiring landscape might hold for these dynamic sectors.

Fashion is a whirlwind of ever-changing trends, and the job market is no exception. Sustainability is taking center stage, sparking a high demand for eco-conscious designers, ethical sourcing experts, and sustainability specialists. Brands are also prioritizing diversity and inclusivity, seeking individuals who champion these values.

In the beauty realm, inclusivity and authenticity are the reigning themes. Clean beauty, skincare, and wellness are driving the need for formulation experts, skincare specialists, and wellness consultants. The integration of technology in beauty is growing, leading to roles such as AR/VR makeup artists and digital marketing experts gaining prominence.

Lastly, the home sector is undergoing a shift towards experiential retail and smart home innovations. Personalized experiences are in demand, driving the need for roles like interior design consultants, smart home technology experts, and customer experience specialists. Sustainability is a significant driver, prompting the search for eco-conscious product developers and sustainable materials experts.

Proactive Hiring Strategies:

To stay ahead in talent acquisition, there are ways to align recruitment strategies with these emerging trends:

  • Embrace Diversity: Create an inclusive workplace culture that attracts diverse talent.

  • Tech Integration: Use tech-driven solutions to engage with tech-savvy candidates.

  • Sustainability Showcase: Find new ways to support sustainable businesses and highlight your commitment to sustainability in brand messaging.

  • Professional Growth: Offer opportunities for continuous learning and personal development.

At Emerging Blue, we specialize in connecting brands with talented professionals who can navigate these industry shifts. We're dedicated to enhancing brands' hiring strategies, ensuring a seamless and successful experience for both job seekers and retailers throughout the new year and beyond.

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Brands' Secret to Success: Transparency + Authenticity

In an era notable for conscious consumerism and digital interconnectedness, transparency and authenticity have become more than just buzzwords. They are essential pillars upon which the most successful brands have built trust with their customers. Transparency is imperative for consumer trust. It has become a non-negotiable aspect of brand-customer relationships. Consumers are no longer content with surface-level information; they crave insights into a brand's values, practices, and ethical considerations. The same thing goes for authenticity. It's all about being true to a brand's identity.. Authentic brands are relatable, trustworthy, and connect on a personal level with their customers. To achieve the same level of transparency and authenticity as some of the top leading brands, you may want to consider these tips:

  •  Sharing Brand Values: One powerful way brands build authenticity is by openly sharing their core values. Whether it's a commitment to sustainability, inclusivity, or ethical sourcing, brands that communicate their principles connect more deeply with consumers who share those values.

  •  The Product Sourcing Story: Customers want to know where their products come from. Brands are responding by sharing the journey of their products, from sourcing raw materials to the final product. This transparency not only builds trust but also educates consumers about responsible consumption.

  •  Genuine Brand Stories: Sharing the journey and struggles of a brand's founders or key personnel humanizes a brand. Authentic storytelling makes a brand more relatable and memorable.

  •  Real People, Real Stories: Showcasing real customer testimonials, experiences, and user-generated content demonstrates that a brand values their customers and their voices. Authentic stories from real people can be incredibly persuasive.

 In the fashion, home, and beauty industries, transparency and authenticity are not just trends; they're prerequisites for sustainable success. By sharing values, sourcing stories, and production processes, and consistently demonstrating authenticity, brands can build trust that transcends transactions and transforms casual customers into devoted advocates.

 At EB, we draw inspiration from the transformative power of transparency and authenticity. Not only are they our guarantee to our clients, but we make it our mission to connect our clients with candidates who share similar values, aspirations, and ultimately resonate with their brand DNA. If you are looking to hire or build a successful career in the world of fashion, beauty or home, you can open a job with us here or apply to one of our jobs.

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Embracing Fall Hiring Trends: Navigating the Evolution of Fashion, Beauty, and Home Brands

With the changing seasons comes a shift in the fashion, beauty, and home industries as they gear up for the upcoming fall hiring trends. As these industries evolve, companies are preparing to embrace the transformative power of fresh talent while adapting to the evolving landscape. 

Unveiling the Canvas of Creativity

 Fall has always been a time of artistic expression in the fashion, beauty, and home sectors. Brands are on the lookout for creative minds that can breathe life into their designs, concepts, and campaigns. The canvas of creativity is expanding, and companies are seeking talented individuals who can infuse their ideas with a touch of innovation. With the evolving aesthetic preferences, brands are committed to finding individuals who can channel their passion into meaningful and captivating creations.

 Tech-Savvy Minds for a Digital Tomorrow

 The fashion, home, and beauty industries are becoming increasingly digitized, calling for professionals with a knack for technology. Brands are actively seeking tech-savvy individuals who can navigate the digital realm. As eCommerce continues to flourish and virtual experiences gain momentum, brands are looking to hire individuals who can seamlessly blend creativity with technology, bringing engaging experiences to their customers' screens.

Sustainability Champions

The fall season also brings a renewed focus on sustainability. Brands are aligning their hiring strategies with a commitment to sustainability, aiming to lessen their environmental footprint. Professionals who are passionate about eco-friendly practices are highly sought after, as companies strive to incorporate sustainable materials, processes, and ideologies into their products and operations.

 Diverse Voices, Diverse Perspectives

The shift towards inclusivity and diversity remains a driving force in the fashion, beauty, and home industries, and is one that our EB team is extremely passionate about. Brands are recognizing the value of diverse voices and perspectives in their teams. They are actively seeking professionals from various backgrounds who can contribute to a richer tapestry of ideas, designs, and solutions. Companies are on a mission to create environments where every individual's uniqueness is celebrated and harnessed for collective success.

As the industry continues to transform, we aspire to serve as a guiding light for aspiring professionals navigating these changes. With a vast network, in-depth expertise, and unwavering commitment to connecting talent with their dream jobs, we strive to uncover your desired roles in this evolving landscape.

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The Transformation of Wholesale Trade Shows in the Apparel Industry

In the dynamic world of the apparel industry, wholesale trade shows have served as pivotal events that bridge the gap between manufacturers and retailers. These exhibitions have undergone significant transformations over the years, adapting to changing technologies, consumer behaviors, and industry trends. While the primary focus of wholesale trade shows has traditionally been on showcasing apparel collections, their evolution parallels the changing landscape of recruiting in the industry.

 The Traditional Landscape and Its Recruiting Implications:

Historically, wholesale trade shows were physical events held in large convention centers or exhibition halls. These gatherings provided a platform for apparel manufacturers and designers to showcase their latest collections to potential buyers, including retailers, boutique owners, and competitors in the marketplace. The physical presence allowed for direct interaction, tactile experiences with fabrics, and the opportunity to speak with the brand reps directly.

From a recruiting perspective, these physical trade shows were not just about selling products; they were also about talent acquisition. Brands and companies had the chance to scout new talent in the form of designers, merchandisers, and sales representatives. Attendees could engage in face-to-face discussions, evaluate skills and personalities, and make connections that could lead to future employment opportunities.

Technological Shifts:

1. Virtual Extensions: As technology has advanced, many wholesale trade shows have begun incorporating virtual components. Online showrooms, webinars, and digital catalogs allow attendees to access information remotely, opening up participation to a global audience. This virtual expansion also extends to recruiting. Companies can now reach potential candidates from around the world, conduct virtual interviews, and access a broader talent pool without the constraints of physical boundaries.

2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Some trade shows started experimenting with AR and VR technologies, enabling virtual product try-ons and immersive experiences. This innovation extends to recruiting by allowing companies to create immersive onboarding experiences for new hires, even if they are working remotely. It enhances the way employers showcase their culture and work environment to potential employees.

Adapting to Changing Consumer Behaviors:

1. Speed to Market: The fashion industry's fast-paced nature necessitated quicker transitions from design to market. This has implications for recruiting as well. Companies need agile and adaptable talent who can keep up with the industry's demands, making it crucial to identify and hire individuals who thrive in this dynamic environment.

2. Inclusivity and Diversity: Trade shows have adapted by featuring a wider range of designers and brands, showcasing inclusive sizing and diverse models, and addressing a broader array of consumer needs. We aim to reflect these efforts within our recruiting process. Companies should actively seek diverse talent and create an inclusive work culture that mirrors the evolving consumer demographics.

Environmental Considerations:

1. Sustainability Initiatives: In response to environmental concerns, some trade shows began implementing sustainable practices. Companies that emphasize sustainability in their recruiting efforts will attract candidates who share these values, contributing to a more environmentally responsible industry.

2. Virtual Sustainability: Online trade show components contribute to reduced travel-related emissions. In recruiting, embracing virtual interviews and remote work can align with sustainability goals, reducing the carbon footprint associated with in-person interviews and commuting.

Building Connections in New Ways:

1. Networking Platforms: Digital trade shows introduced networking platforms that facilitated virtual meetings, discussions, and collaborations. Similarly, recruiting can leverage these platforms to connect with potential candidates, conduct virtual job fairs, and build relationships with talent.

2. Social Media Integration: Many trade shows harnessed the power of social media to amplify their reach and engagement. In recruiting, social media platforms can be used to showcase company culture, share job openings, and engage with a broader audience of potential candidates.

Conclusion: A New Era of Recruiting in the Apparel Industry

The evolution of wholesale trade shows in the apparel industry reflects the industry's adaptability and innovation in response to a rapidly changing landscape. Just as these trade shows have evolved into essential hubs for networking, discovery, and collaboration, we envision a future of recruiting that embraces innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability.

By drawing inspiration from the dynamic changes in the wholesale trade show arena, at EB, we strive to reshape the recruiting landscape with a focus on connection, progression, and resonance between individuals and companies. As talent matchmakers, we make it our mission to connect our clients with candidates who share similar values, aspirations, and ultimately resonate with their brand DNA.

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Sustainable Fabrications and Methods of Production: Paving the Way for a Greener Fashion Industry

In an era marked by growing environmental concerns, the fashion industry has been undergoing a significant transformation. As consumers become more conscious of their choices and the impact of their actions, brands are stepping up to the challenge by adopting sustainable fabrications and production methods. At Emerging Blue, we're proud to collaborate with visionary brands that are leading the way in sustainable fashion. We’re excited to share some of the remarkable sustainable fabrications and methods of production that are shaping the industry's future.

Regenerative Cotton Denim: Aritizia Leading the Aspiration

Regenerative cotton denim is a revolutionary approach to sustainable fabric production. Brands like Aritizia are pioneering this movement by incorporating regenerative practices into their supply chains. Regenerative cotton farming focuses on enhancing soil health, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration. Their efforts serve as inspiration for the industry as a whole, showcasing the potential of regenerative agriculture in fashion.

Waterless Innovation: Levi Strauss & Co Taking the Plunge

Levi Strauss & Co, a denim giant, is making waves in sustainable denim production with their waterless techniques. Water scarcity is a global concern, and the fashion industry's water-intensive processes have long been a cause for alarm. Levi's innovative methods drastically reduce water consumption during denim production, setting an example for others to follow. Levi Strauss & Co's commitment to water conservation underscores the urgent need for water-conscious practices in the fashion world.

Embracing Natural Excellence: 7FAM's Eco-Friendly Fabrications

At Emerging Blue, we're proud to collaborate with brands that prioritize sustainable fabrications. Our client, 7 for All Mankind, is a shining example of this commitment. Hemp, Tencel™ Modal, LENZING™, and ECOVERO™ are renewable materials that significantly reduce the environmental impact of clothing production. By opting for these fabrications, 7FAM showcases their dedication to creating fashion that's both stylish and environmentally responsible.

Cultivating Sustainability: Goldie Tees and Sustainably Grown Pima Cotton

Goldie Tees, another one of our amazing clients, is a brand that values quality and sustainability. Sustainably grown pima cotton is at the heart of their mission. This premium cotton is cultivated with a focus on minimizing chemical use, conserving water, and promoting fair labor practices. Goldie Tees' dedication to sustainable cotton production exemplifies how brands can prioritize environmental and ethical considerations without compromising on comfort and style.

Breathing New Life: Recycling Yarns for a Circular Fashion Economy

Transitioning towards a circular economy is a fundamental aspect of sustainable fashion. Brands like Marine Layer with their "RESPUN" initiative and One Jeanswear Group's "Fab Scrap" are reshaping the industry by incorporating recycled yarns into their products. These innovations breathe new life into discarded textiles, reducing waste and conserving resources. Collaborative efforts like these highlight the power of recycling in creating a more sustainable and resilient fashion ecosystem.

The journey towards a more sustainable fashion industry is a collective effort that requires the commitment of brands, consumers, and industry stakeholders alike. By spotlighting visionary brands like Aritizia, Levi Strauss & Co, 7FAM, and Goldie Tees, along with initiatives like "RESPUN" and "Fab Scrap," we celebrate the progress being made in sustainable fabrications and production methods. At EB, our team is dedicated to supporting and collaborating with brands that prioritize environmental responsibility, paving the way for a greener, more conscious fashion future. With our wide network, combined expertise, and commitment to connecting talent with fashion, beauty, and home companies, we help individuals find their desired roles in the sustainable landscape. If you are looking to hire or build a successful career in the dynamic world of sustainable fashion, beauty or home, you can open a job with us here or send us your resume at




The Digital Beauty Revolution: 2023's Most In-Demand Roles

The beauty industry has undergone a transformative revolution, creating exciting opportunities for professionals with a flair for technology and a passion for beauty. The demand for digital beauty experts has skyrocketed, driven by technological advancements and the changing preferences of consumers. Here are some of this year’s most in-demand roles that offer a chance to shape the future of beauty.

Beauty Data Analyst - Decoding Consumer Insights

In the age of big data, beauty brands are leveraging consumer insights to drive innovation and enhance their offerings. Beauty data analysts play a pivotal role in deciphering consumer preferences, behavior, and trends. Their expertise lies in analyzing vast amounts of data from digital platforms and online interactions, providing valuable insights that guide product development, marketing strategies, and overall brand success in the digital realm.

Social Media Beauty Strategist - Mastering the Art of Digital Engagement

Social media has become the epicenter of beauty conversations and trends. Social media beauty strategists are adept at crafting impactful campaigns that resonate with online audiences, driving engagement and brand loyalty. They possess a deep understanding of various social platforms and the latest digital marketing tactics, enabling them to create compelling content that leaves a lasting impression on beauty enthusiasts worldwide.

eCommerce Beauty Manager - Navigating the Digital Retail Space

As eCommerce continues to flourish, beauty brands require skilled e-commerce beauty managers to navigate the digital retail landscape successfully. These experts oversee online sales channels, optimize product listings, and strategize promotional activities to boost online visibility and drive sales. By harnessing the power of digital marketplaces, eCommerce beauty managers play a critical role in reaching a broader consumer base.

Seize the Digital Beauty Frontier

The digital beauty revolution is here, and it's an exciting time to be part of this ever-evolving industry. As technology continues to shape the beauty landscape, digital beauty experts are at the forefront of driving innovation and change. As the industry evolves, we are here to guide aspiring professionals through these transformations. With our extensive network, expertise, and commitment to connecting talent with beauty companies, we can help individuals find their desired roles in the digital landscape.

Our dedicated team is here to support and connect you with the best opportunities in the fashion, home, and beauty industries. Together, let's navigate the digital era and embrace the future of beauty.


 Navigating the Fashion Job Market in the Digital Era

The fashion industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by digitalization. This shift impacts how people shop and consume fashion, creating new trends and opportunities within the industry’s job market.

  • The Rise of E-Commerce and Digital Retail: The advent of e-commerce has revolutionized the fashion industry, leading to a surge in online shopping. As a result, there is a growing demand for professionals skilled in digital retail, including e-commerce managers, online merchandisers, and digital marketing specialists.

  • Social Media and Influencer Marketing: Social media platforms have become powerful tools for fashion brands to connect with their target audience. Influencer marketing has emerged as a dominant force, allowing brands to leverage the influence of popular personalities.

  • Data Analytics and Consumer Insights: With the abundance of data available, fashion companies are increasingly relying on data analytics to understand consumer behavior and drive business decisions. Roles such as data analysts, market researchers, and trend forecasters have become vital in providing valuable insights to fashion brands.

  • Sustainability and Ethical Fashion: The fashion industry is increasingly emphasizing sustainability and ethical practices. This shift has created opportunities for professionals dedicated to sustainable fashion supply chain management, responsible sourcing, and ethical brand consulting.

The digital era has brought forth exciting trends and opportunities within the fashion job market. As the industry evolves, our EB recruiters are here to guide aspiring talent through these transformations. With our extensive network, expertise, and commitment to connecting talent with fashion companies, we help individuals find their desired roles in the digital landscape and build successful career in the dynamic world of fashion.

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Career Spotlight: Behind the Seams of the Fashion Industry  

The fashion industry is a multifaceted and dynamic realm that offers a wide range of exciting career opportunities. Behind the scenes, professionals work diligently to bring fashion to life and drive the success of brands and businesses. If you’re thinking about a career in the fashion industry, these are a few positions you may want to consider!

Fashion Design:

Fashion design is a dynamic field with immense creative potential. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of fashion designers is projected to grow by 3% over the next decade, resulting in new opportunities for aspiring designers.

Fashion Merchandising:

Fashion merchandising plays a pivotal role in driving sales and maximizing profitability for fashion brands. The Fashion Retail Academy reports that merchandisers are highly sought after in the industry, with strong demand for professionals who can analyze market trends, develop product strategies, and curate collections. This field offers a diverse range of career paths, from merchandise planners to retail buyers, with competitive salaries and room for growth.

Trend Forecasting:

Trend forecasting serves as a valuable tool for brands to stay ahead of the curve. The Global Trend Institute highlights that trend forecasters contribute to the industry's success by identifying emerging styles, colors, and consumer preferences. This data-driven field requires a keen eye for observation, research skills, and the ability to interpret cultural, social, and economic factors influencing fashion trends.

Fashion Marketing and Branding:

Fashion marketing and branding are integral to building brand awareness and driving consumer engagement. According to the Fashion Institute of Technology, professionals in this field play a crucial role in developing marketing strategies, managing brand image, and leveraging digital platforms to reach target audiences. With the growth of e-commerce and social media, there is a rising demand for skilled fashion marketers who can create impactful campaigns and foster brand loyalty.

Fashion Journalism and Public Relations:

Fashion journalism and public relations contribute to shaping the industry's narrative and maintaining strong brand reputation. The Fashion Careers Guide highlights that professionals in these fields can work as fashion writers, editors, publicists, or media relations specialists. With a deep understanding of the industry and excellent communication skills, fashion journalists and PR specialists play a vital role in disseminating fashion news, conducting interviews, and promoting brands to a wide audience.

The fashion industry presents many opportunities for individuals passionate about creativity, analysis, and effective communication. From the growth of employment opportunities for fashion designers to the demand for trend forecasters and marketing professionals, there is ample room for career growth and success. Our team is committed to supporting aspiring professionals in navigating these opportunities!

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Unlocking Potential: Tips for a Successful Career Transition to Fashion

Thinking about making a career switch into the fashion industry? The secret to thriving in this dynamic field boils down to having a strategic approach that focuses on effectively showcasing your transferable skills. Check out some valuable tips from our talent matchmakers that can help you demonstrate your strengths and succeed in your fashion career.

Identify Your Transferable Skills

First things first, take a moment to assess your existing skill set. Even if you haven't worked directly in the fashion industry, rest assured that you've gained numerous transferable skills throughout your professional journey. These soft skills can fall into categories like communication, problem-solving, creativity, leadership, and adaptability. The key here is to recognize your strengths and align them with the demands of the fashion industry. This way, you can construct a compelling narrative that highlights the value you bring to the table.

Customize Your Resumes and Cover Letters

When it comes to effectively communicating your capabilities to potential employers in the fashion industry, customization is the name of the game. Tailor your resumes and cover letters to emphasize relevant experiences and achievements that showcase your adaptability, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Shine a spotlight on projects or initiatives where collaboration, deadline management, and attention to detail played a crucial role. Additionally, don't forget to showcase any fashion-related coursework, certifications, or workshops you've completed to underscore your commitment to continuous learning and acquiring industry-specific knowledge.

Leverage Networking Opportunities

Networking is a game-changer when it comes to transitioning into a new field. Seek out networking opportunities within the fashion industry to connect with professionals who can offer guidance and potential job leads. Attend industry events, become part of fashion-focused professional groups (there’s some great ones on LinkedIn), and make the most of online platforms to forge meaningful connections. Clearly articulate your passion for fashion and demonstrate how your transferable skills can contribute to the industry's growth. Actively seek out mentorship opportunities to gain valuable insights and guidance from seasoned professionals.

Pursue Internships and Volunteering

Internships and volunteering can be your golden ticket to gaining invaluable hands-on experience and bridging the gap between your existing skill set and the fashion industry. Look for fashion-related internships or volunteer positions that align with your personal interests. While these roles may be entry-level, they provide incredible opportunities to acquire practical knowledge, develop industry-specific skills, and expand your network within the fashion community. During the application process, highlight your transferable skills and express genuine enthusiasm for learning and making a meaningful contribution to the industry.

Embrace Continuous Learning and Skill Development

In the ever-evolving fashion industry, adaptability and a commitment to lifelong learning are vital for success. Stay up to date with the latest fashion trends, industry news, and technological advancements shaping the field. Make the most of online courses, workshops, and certifications to acquire specialized knowledge in areas such as fashion design, merchandising, marketing, or supply chain management. By demonstrating interest in expanding your skill set, you showcase your dedication to professional growth and ability to thrive in the fast-paced nature of the fashion industry.

By identifying and showcasing your transferable skills, customizing your application materials, leveraging networking opportunities, pursuing internships and volunteering, and embracing continuous learning, you'll lay a strong foundation for success in the fashion industry. As a leading staffing agency specializing in the fashion, home, and beauty industry, Emerging Blue is here to provide tailored solutions that connect talented individuals like yourself with exciting career opportunities. Whether you're seeking roles in design, merchandising, marketing, or other areas within the fashion, home, and beauty industry, we're here to help guide you through the recruitment process.


The Key to Fashion Industry Success: Identifying Top Digital Talent

The fashion industry is undergoing a major transformation, and the direct-to-consumer (DTC) model is at the forefront of this change. The State of Fashion 2023 report highlights that DTC channels are becoming increasingly important for fashion brands, as they offer greater control over the customer experience and enable better data capture and analysis.

One key trend is the rise of social commerce, which involves selling products directly through social media platforms. This allows brands to reach consumers where they are spending their time online and offers a more seamless shopping experience. Influencers and user-generated content are also becoming more important in driving DTC sales. Another important trend is the shift towards sustainability and ethical production, with consumers increasingly seeking out brands that align with their values. DTC brands are well-positioned to capitalize on this trend, as they can communicate their values and mission directly to consumers through their marketing and messaging.

However, DTC brands also face challenges, such as the high costs of customer acquisition and the need to constantly innovate and stay ahead of the competition. To succeed in the DTC space, brands must be agile, data-driven, and willing to experiment and iterate.

Overall, the State of Fashion 2023 report suggests that DTC channels will continue to grow in importance for fashion brands over the next few years. By leveraging social commerce, focusing on sustainability and ethics, and embracing innovation, brands can succeed in this rapidly-evolving landscape.

The fashion industry is rapidly evolving, and it's more important than ever for brands to have access to top talent with the skills and expertise needed to succeed in the DTC and e-commerce space. That's where Emerging Blue comes in. 

As a leading recruiting and staffing agency focused exclusively on the fashion industry, we have the industry knowledge, experience, and network needed to help brands find and hire the best talent for their DTC and e-commerce channels. From marketing professionals with expertise in social commerce to designers with a passion for sustainability and ethics, we can help you build the team you need to succeed.

Our team of industry experts has a deep understanding of the fashion space and can help you navigate the complexities of recruiting and hiring top talent. With our global network of candidates and clients, we can connect you with the right people to drive your business forward.

So if you're looking to build a winning team for your DTC or e-commerce channel, contact Emerging Blue today. We're here to help you find the right talent to succeed in this rapidly-evolving landscape. Visit our blog to learn more about industry trends and insights.


5 Recruiting Tips for your Direct-to-Consumer Fashion Brand

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) fashion brands are becoming increasingly popular, thanks to their ability to sell directly to consumers without the need for intermediaries like retailers. With the rise of DTC fashion brands, the recruitment process has also evolved. In this article, we will discuss some tips for recruiting for direct-to-consumer fashion brands.

1. Understand the Brand

One of the most important aspects of recruiting for a DTC fashion brand is to understand the brand's values and mission. DTC fashion brands are known for their unique brand identity, and it's crucial to know what sets them apart from their competitors. Understanding the brand's values, mission, and culture will help you identify candidates who share the same values and are a good fit for the company.

2. Look for Diverse Candidates

Diversity is an essential element of any company, and it's especially crucial for DTC fashion brands. These brands aim to appeal to a wide range of customers, and it's essential to have a diverse team that can understand and cater to the needs of different customers. When recruiting for a DTC fashion brand, look for candidates from diverse backgrounds and with diverse skill sets. This will help the brand appeal to a broader customer base.

3. Focus on Customer Service Skills

DTC fashion brands often rely on excellent customer service to retain customers and build brand loyalty. Therefore, it's essential to look for candidates with strong customer service skills. Candidates who can communicate effectively, have empathy and problem-solving skills, and can handle customer complaints are ideal for DTC fashion brands.

4. Emphasize the Importance of Data and Analytics

DTC fashion brands rely heavily on data and analytics to make informed business decisions. When recruiting for a DTC fashion brand, look for candidates with experience in data analysis and have a good understanding of customer behavior. Candidates who can use data to improve the customer experience and optimize the brand's marketing strategy are highly sought after by DTC fashion brands.

5. Consider Soft Skills

In addition to technical skills, it's essential to look for candidates with soft skills. Soft skills like teamwork, adaptability, and creativity are essential for a successful DTC fashion brand. Look for candidates who can work collaboratively, think outside the box, and adapt quickly to new and challenging situations.

In conclusion, recruiting for a DTC fashion brand requires a unique set of skills and qualities. Understanding the brand's values, looking for diverse candidates, focusing on customer service skills, emphasizing data and analytics, and considering soft skills are all crucial elements of successful recruitment for a DTC fashion brand. By following these tips, you can build a strong team that can help your DTC fashion brand grow and thrive.

TikTok Takeover: Today's Hottest Marketing & Hiring Tool

Emerging Blue TikTok Takeover Blog

Among all the social media platforms and channels, there is only one that has taken over like no other: TikTok. With over 1 billion users in over 150 different countries, TikTok has quickly taken center stage and is changing the ways of digital marketing as we know them.

TikTok has established itself not just as a social channel, but as a destination for all things beauty and fashion. The app has sparked and circulated some of the most popular trends in clothing styles, skincare routines, makeup hacks, and more.

Many brands are recognizing the app’s influence on consumer purchasing and have begun incorporating TikTok as a key tool in their digital marketing strategies.

Brands can build off of trends by understanding the wider tendencies they reveal, and tap into specific trends by using them to tell stories about existing products.”

Given the platform’s algorithm, TikTok provides marketers an avenue for reach and engagement. Even without an established following or presence, as long as there is appealing content, audience engagement is bound to follow. This makes TikTok a social media platform with some of the highest engagement rates.

Brands are finding that there are two major ingredients to a successful TikTok campaign: Authenticity + Consistency

As brands continue to evolve their digital marketing strategies, they’ll have to add TikTok to their list of platforms. Through authentic and consistent content, brand deals with influencers, and participation in recent trends, brands can easily fast track to increased awareness, engagement, and creating a larger, loyal customer base.

In a job seekers’ market, TikTok can also be used as a recruiting platform. Many brands have shifted their use of TikTok to recruit summer interns or digital marketing related positions. By advertising these jobs through catchy reels with a link to the job application, brands have been able to take advantage of TikTok’s evolution as a creative alternative to the traditional job board or application/hiring process. “TikTok has already recognized its potential as the next big jobs platform, launching a #TikTokResumes pilot program” in 2021.

 Another trend to note is that candidates have been using TikTok as a way to showcase their creative work. For positions in the creative or artistic fields, TikTok can be an extension to potential candidate’s portfolio, providing brands with a clearer understanding of a person’s real time work.

Whether you’re a brand marketing a product, a hiring manager seeking talent, or a candidate showcasing your portfolio, TikTok demonstrates its ability as a tool to be used by nearly anyone and everyone in the workplace.

Articles referenced:

Welcome to the Industry: Looking Beyond the Traditional Resume

When hiring for talent, one of the top criteria that recruiters often look for is whether a candidate is an industry match. Though having proper industry experience can be one of the keys to success when starting a new role, some say that it may be time to start looking beyond traditional resume requirements.

In a time of economic turbulence but growing demands for top talent, recruiters are facing the challenge of a narrowing talent pool due to the limitations of background industry.

An alternative recruiting method that many brands and retailers have been adopting to expand and diversify the talent pool: welcoming industry newcomers.

According to an article from Business of Fashion, “a resume heavy on experience outside the fashion world is increasingly seen as a plus”.  Given the increasing changes in e-commerce, sustainability, and global expansion of supply chains, many people outside of the fashion industry are proving to have transferrable skills that fashion brands are looking for. These sweeping changes have provided candidates with ample opportunities to grow in soft skills like adaptability or agility as well as other capabilities in analytics, marketing, or technology.

“With economic downturn potentially on the horizon, the payoff from diversifying fashion’s workforce and bringing new perspectives… could become greater in the next few months.”

More than having that perfect industry match, brands are recognizing the need to bring in candidates who can share in a company’s core values, passions, and understanding of their specific brand DNA.

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