
Brands' Secret to Success: Transparency + Authenticity

In an era notable for conscious consumerism and digital interconnectedness, transparency and authenticity have become more than just buzzwords. They are essential pillars upon which the most successful brands have built trust with their customers. Transparency is imperative for consumer trust. It has become a non-negotiable aspect of brand-customer relationships. Consumers are no longer content with surface-level information; they crave insights into a brand's values, practices, and ethical considerations. The same thing goes for authenticity. It's all about being true to a brand's identity.. Authentic brands are relatable, trustworthy, and connect on a personal level with their customers. To achieve the same level of transparency and authenticity as some of the top leading brands, you may want to consider these tips:

  •  Sharing Brand Values: One powerful way brands build authenticity is by openly sharing their core values. Whether it's a commitment to sustainability, inclusivity, or ethical sourcing, brands that communicate their principles connect more deeply with consumers who share those values.

  •  The Product Sourcing Story: Customers want to know where their products come from. Brands are responding by sharing the journey of their products, from sourcing raw materials to the final product. This transparency not only builds trust but also educates consumers about responsible consumption.

  •  Genuine Brand Stories: Sharing the journey and struggles of a brand's founders or key personnel humanizes a brand. Authentic storytelling makes a brand more relatable and memorable.

  •  Real People, Real Stories: Showcasing real customer testimonials, experiences, and user-generated content demonstrates that a brand values their customers and their voices. Authentic stories from real people can be incredibly persuasive.

 In the fashion, home, and beauty industries, transparency and authenticity are not just trends; they're prerequisites for sustainable success. By sharing values, sourcing stories, and production processes, and consistently demonstrating authenticity, brands can build trust that transcends transactions and transforms casual customers into devoted advocates.

 At EB, we draw inspiration from the transformative power of transparency and authenticity. Not only are they our guarantee to our clients, but we make it our mission to connect our clients with candidates who share similar values, aspirations, and ultimately resonate with their brand DNA. If you are looking to hire or build a successful career in the world of fashion, beauty or home, you can open a job with us here or apply to one of our jobs.

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The Transformation of Wholesale Trade Shows in the Apparel Industry

In the dynamic world of the apparel industry, wholesale trade shows have served as pivotal events that bridge the gap between manufacturers and retailers. These exhibitions have undergone significant transformations over the years, adapting to changing technologies, consumer behaviors, and industry trends. While the primary focus of wholesale trade shows has traditionally been on showcasing apparel collections, their evolution parallels the changing landscape of recruiting in the industry.

 The Traditional Landscape and Its Recruiting Implications:

Historically, wholesale trade shows were physical events held in large convention centers or exhibition halls. These gatherings provided a platform for apparel manufacturers and designers to showcase their latest collections to potential buyers, including retailers, boutique owners, and competitors in the marketplace. The physical presence allowed for direct interaction, tactile experiences with fabrics, and the opportunity to speak with the brand reps directly.

From a recruiting perspective, these physical trade shows were not just about selling products; they were also about talent acquisition. Brands and companies had the chance to scout new talent in the form of designers, merchandisers, and sales representatives. Attendees could engage in face-to-face discussions, evaluate skills and personalities, and make connections that could lead to future employment opportunities.

Technological Shifts:

1. Virtual Extensions: As technology has advanced, many wholesale trade shows have begun incorporating virtual components. Online showrooms, webinars, and digital catalogs allow attendees to access information remotely, opening up participation to a global audience. This virtual expansion also extends to recruiting. Companies can now reach potential candidates from around the world, conduct virtual interviews, and access a broader talent pool without the constraints of physical boundaries.

2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Some trade shows started experimenting with AR and VR technologies, enabling virtual product try-ons and immersive experiences. This innovation extends to recruiting by allowing companies to create immersive onboarding experiences for new hires, even if they are working remotely. It enhances the way employers showcase their culture and work environment to potential employees.

Adapting to Changing Consumer Behaviors:

1. Speed to Market: The fashion industry's fast-paced nature necessitated quicker transitions from design to market. This has implications for recruiting as well. Companies need agile and adaptable talent who can keep up with the industry's demands, making it crucial to identify and hire individuals who thrive in this dynamic environment.

2. Inclusivity and Diversity: Trade shows have adapted by featuring a wider range of designers and brands, showcasing inclusive sizing and diverse models, and addressing a broader array of consumer needs. We aim to reflect these efforts within our recruiting process. Companies should actively seek diverse talent and create an inclusive work culture that mirrors the evolving consumer demographics.

Environmental Considerations:

1. Sustainability Initiatives: In response to environmental concerns, some trade shows began implementing sustainable practices. Companies that emphasize sustainability in their recruiting efforts will attract candidates who share these values, contributing to a more environmentally responsible industry.

2. Virtual Sustainability: Online trade show components contribute to reduced travel-related emissions. In recruiting, embracing virtual interviews and remote work can align with sustainability goals, reducing the carbon footprint associated with in-person interviews and commuting.

Building Connections in New Ways:

1. Networking Platforms: Digital trade shows introduced networking platforms that facilitated virtual meetings, discussions, and collaborations. Similarly, recruiting can leverage these platforms to connect with potential candidates, conduct virtual job fairs, and build relationships with talent.

2. Social Media Integration: Many trade shows harnessed the power of social media to amplify their reach and engagement. In recruiting, social media platforms can be used to showcase company culture, share job openings, and engage with a broader audience of potential candidates.

Conclusion: A New Era of Recruiting in the Apparel Industry

The evolution of wholesale trade shows in the apparel industry reflects the industry's adaptability and innovation in response to a rapidly changing landscape. Just as these trade shows have evolved into essential hubs for networking, discovery, and collaboration, we envision a future of recruiting that embraces innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability.

By drawing inspiration from the dynamic changes in the wholesale trade show arena, at EB, we strive to reshape the recruiting landscape with a focus on connection, progression, and resonance between individuals and companies. As talent matchmakers, we make it our mission to connect our clients with candidates who share similar values, aspirations, and ultimately resonate with their brand DNA.

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TikTok Takeover: Today's Hottest Marketing & Hiring Tool

Emerging Blue TikTok Takeover Blog

Among all the social media platforms and channels, there is only one that has taken over like no other: TikTok. With over 1 billion users in over 150 different countries, TikTok has quickly taken center stage and is changing the ways of digital marketing as we know them.

TikTok has established itself not just as a social channel, but as a destination for all things beauty and fashion. The app has sparked and circulated some of the most popular trends in clothing styles, skincare routines, makeup hacks, and more.

Many brands are recognizing the app’s influence on consumer purchasing and have begun incorporating TikTok as a key tool in their digital marketing strategies.

Brands can build off of trends by understanding the wider tendencies they reveal, and tap into specific trends by using them to tell stories about existing products.”

Given the platform’s algorithm, TikTok provides marketers an avenue for reach and engagement. Even without an established following or presence, as long as there is appealing content, audience engagement is bound to follow. This makes TikTok a social media platform with some of the highest engagement rates.

Brands are finding that there are two major ingredients to a successful TikTok campaign: Authenticity + Consistency

As brands continue to evolve their digital marketing strategies, they’ll have to add TikTok to their list of platforms. Through authentic and consistent content, brand deals with influencers, and participation in recent trends, brands can easily fast track to increased awareness, engagement, and creating a larger, loyal customer base.

In a job seekers’ market, TikTok can also be used as a recruiting platform. Many brands have shifted their use of TikTok to recruit summer interns or digital marketing related positions. By advertising these jobs through catchy reels with a link to the job application, brands have been able to take advantage of TikTok’s evolution as a creative alternative to the traditional job board or application/hiring process. “TikTok has already recognized its potential as the next big jobs platform, launching a #TikTokResumes pilot program” in 2021.

 Another trend to note is that candidates have been using TikTok as a way to showcase their creative work. For positions in the creative or artistic fields, TikTok can be an extension to potential candidate’s portfolio, providing brands with a clearer understanding of a person’s real time work.

Whether you’re a brand marketing a product, a hiring manager seeking talent, or a candidate showcasing your portfolio, TikTok demonstrates its ability as a tool to be used by nearly anyone and everyone in the workplace.

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The Power of Brand Storytelling

Emerging Blue Blog

Brands are rediscovering the power that lies in their unique narratives. Following the pandemic, many fashion and beauty brands invested into marketing efforts that directly drove online sales. But in a time when the shock of the pandemic has now passed, many are recognizing the need to bridge the gap between brand building and driving sales. The solution? Brand storytelling.

Instead of seeing the two strategies as mutually exclusive, now “brands see a balance between these two styles of marketing as the key to long-term success”. Incorporating unique origin stories and brand values into marketing efforts not only garners greater trust and loyalty with customers, but can also establish a stronger stamp of brand DNA in an ever-evolving marketplace.

In addition to the appeal to consumers, brand storytelling helps to attract candidates. Most people seek out a career that they are passionate about. Share with the world the brand’s story, vision, values, and the ultimate mission. Some of the biggest and most successful brands have achieved their success because of their commitment and dedication to their roots.

Nothing compares to the feeling of finding the perfect candidate who aligns with your brand DNA. If you’re hiring and looking for candidates who resonate with the story of your brand, we are here to help. Connect with our team today.


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