
Now Hiring: Jewelry Brand

Our client, an affordable, high-end jewelry brand based in Torrance, CA is hiring a dynamic Account Executive and an Associate Product Developer to join their team. Both roles are hybrid. Tap the links below for more details.

Account Executive ($50-60K + Commission)

Associate Product Developer ($45-60K)


Should You Stay or Should You Go? 4 Things to Consider Before Looking For a New Job 

How do you know when it’s time to move on? Sometimes it is an easy choice – you’re feeling underappreciated or overworked, your commute is horrible or the work isn’t fulfilling. But what if there’s nothing really wrong with your current job? It’s ok to want a better work situation, or to take a step in an entirely new career direction. Sometimes it’s the best way to move your career forward and grow as a person. 

If you’re up in the air about what to do, here are some things to think about before you send out that resume: 

1. You already have a job. The grass may not always be greener someplace else! Even if you feel like your efforts aren’t being fully recognized or fairly rewarded, at least you know the paychecks are coming in. 

2. You have great co-workers. Most people spend more time each day with their coworkers than they do with their families. If you are surrounded by people who make you feel comfortable and happy on a daily basis, that may be more valuable than the excitement of a new opportunity. 

3. You have a benefits package. As the number of contract jobs increase, fewer employees are being offered health insurance coverage and other standard benefits that come with permanent positions. Are you willing to take on the responsibility of researching and purchasing needed benefits?  

4. Your company is stable. Joining a startup can be exciting but it can also be risky. Thousands of companies are formed each year and not all of them survive. Are you the type of person who can handle the ups and downs of a unproven workplace? 

Bring a positive attitude to wherever you work and vow to learn and grow as much as you can, as an employee and as a person. If your efforts to create a new outlook still leave you feeling like you’re lacking in the “career joy” department, then start exploring new, potentially greener turf in the coming year.

Emerging Blue Job Seeker Tips